
Pinterest is 1,703X More Powerful Than Facebook

Sign up now to discover these secrets for free. Here's why you should be paying attention to Pinterest - I know this one statistic hit me like a bolt of lightning:  "The half-life of a Facebook post is 90 minutes. The average half life of a Pinterest Post is 3.5 MONTHS." (Wisemetrics and Piqora) That means on average a Pinterest post lasts 1,703 times longer than a Facebook post. In fact, you can still get repins and clicks for pins published over 3 years ago! Crazy right?  Here are some other crazy Pinterest statistics.  Pinterest users spend 70% more than visitors...

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If money is the root of all evil, what is the root of all good?

If money is the root of all evil, what is the root of all good?

It’s probably one of the most misguided questions I’ve ever seen. Some people do believe that money is the root of all evil. There are also people who believe money can’t buy happiness. Then, you have people who think acquiring money will cost them something that they hold in much higher regard - time, relationships, or health, for example. It’s not that simple. Tell me “money is the root of all evil” when you buy a meal for a starving child. Or feed a family for a month somewhere in the world with what you make in a day… or...

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2021 so far

2021 so far

We’re in 2021 already, and if you’re among the people who thought that 2021 was going to be somehow immediately better than 2020…  You’re probably a little bit disappointed. Right? The thing is… it never works that way. A single digit changing on the calendar doesn’t make everything better right away. We’re still going to have to ride this out. It’s not all doom and gloom, though. While you and I might not be able to do much about global events that affect us (and let’s not dwell on what exactly those are - we all know the challenges we’re...

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Leverage is so powerful

Leverage is so powerful

How many times during the past hour have you been distracted?  By someone else, by a phone call, by a need to check out social media or news… or anything else? If you’re like the average person reading this email, it’s about 100 times! It’s been found that the average person is distracted or interrupted every 40 seconds when working in front of a computer.  Obviously, that’s not good if you want to achieve your goals.  How would most people try and solve this problem? (Including highly paid consultants!) They’d try to help the client overcome distraction. Recommend meditation, deep breathing, yoga....

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Inspiring Story..Can you Make a Difference?

Inspiring Story..Can you Make a Difference?

Here is a story I want to share for inspiration… A man was walking along a beach.  It was a beautiful day.  He saw a man picking stranded starfish one by one and throwing them back in the sea.  There were hundreds of starfish stranded on the sand, due to the tide.  And they were sure to perish.. The man was struck by the apparent futility of the task by the man. So he said to him: “You must be crazy. There are thousands of miles of beach covered with starfish. You can’t possibly make a difference.”   As he picked...

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