Pinterest is 1,703X More Powerful Than Facebook

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Here's why you should be paying attention to Pinterest - I know this one statistic hit me like a bolt of lightning: 

"The half-life of a Facebook post is 90 minutes. The average half life of a Pinterest Post is 3.5 MONTHS." (Wisemetrics and Piqora)

That means on average a Pinterest post lasts 1,703 times longer than a Facebook post.

In fact, you can still get repins and clicks for pins published over 3 years ago!

Crazy right? 

Here are some other crazy Pinterest statistics. 

  • Pinterest users spend 70% more than visitors from other social networks.
  • The average order value of a sale from Pinterest is $50.
  • 87% of Pinterest users have bought something online after browsing pins.
  • 93% of people on Pinterest use it to plan their purchases.
  • Only 20% of Pinterest users ever create content, the other 80% simply pin and share the content.

In other words, if you have a business and you want to market it and you're not on Pinterest, then you're missing out on a massive opportunity.

So how about it?

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