Wine Hacks with Fun Pro tips (Disclaimer: Pro trips are written, after drinking a few glasses of Wine)

Hacks life moments saazlife wine Wine tips

1. Never water down your drink...Make wine ice cubes of left over wine

  • Pour left over wine into an ice tray
  • Freeze for 48 hours
  • Drink your wine with wine

Pro Tip: Forget white strips for your teeth....If you drink a bottle of red wine, be sure to follow it with a bottle of white wine to avoid straining your teeth.

2. Chill a bottle of warm wine in 20 minutes? Have a room temperature wine and want to drink right away? Chill it in 20 minutes with a cold paper towel

  • Wet a paper towel in cold water
  • Wrap the wet towel around the bottle 
  • Stick it in the freezer for 20 minutes 

Pro Tip: Hungary? Don't confuse thirst with hunger. Have a bottle of chilled wine first and see how you feel

3. Chill wine even faster (in 10 minutes)

  • Pour cold water and ice into a bucket
  • Add salt to melt the ice faster and reduce the freezing point of water
  • Put wine bottle in the bucket and add more ice 

Pro Tip: Put a long straw in your wine bottle, Well technically it becomes a juice box.

4. Never water down your drinks..Replace ice cubes with frozen grapes

  • Freeze some grapes overnight
  • Add grapes to your wine glass
  • Nice cold wine coming right up..:)
  • Best part is that you get to eat the cold grapes after finishing the wine

Pro Tip: Stock up on red wine before a storm, red wine doesn't need a fridge or ice

5. Make cheap wine taste better

  • Cut some fresh berries (strawberries or blackberries)
  • Add to the glass of wine
  • Berries add to the flavour and looks chic too!

Pro Tip: Always keep cheap white wine on hand, for cooking or impromptu day drinking.

6. Remove red wine stains

  • Blot wine stain with a dry paper towel
  • Cover the stain with salt and let it sit for an hour
  • After an hour dab the stain with hot water (with a cloth or paper towel)
  • Enjoy the stain free life

Pro Tip: Drink wine shirtless, so you will avoid straining it altogether

7. Disguise your favourite but cheap wine

  • Use a decanter
  • Pour wine into the decanter
  • Recycle your cheap wine bottle before guests arrive
  • Decanter will also help in aeration of the wine

Pro Tip: Prioritize your spending - Never taught your kids about tooth fairy? Now you can buy yourself extra 2-3 bottles of wine

8. Make wine last longer in the refrigerator 

  • Store wine sideways
  • This will prevent premature oxidation 
  • And wine will taste fresh

Pro Tip: Drink in the dark. Pour you wine in the dark so you don't know how much you are pouring... Storage problem solved...

(Disclaimer: All Pro Tips are written, after drinking a few glasses of Wine)


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