Should You HODL At All Right Now?

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How Much Crypto Should You Have Right Now?

For the first time ever Saazlife is sharing the simplest way to profit from cryptocurrency with the launch of a Free eBook, The Wiggle Factor. The Plan is a course that reveals the best way to profit from crypto trading using the popular The Plan framework from Dan Hollings

According to the Washington Post, experts recommend that your investment portfolio should have 2%-5% of crypto.

But what exactly does that mean?

Should you just HODL bitcoin? Or Ethereum? Or Should you hunt for altcoins in hope for that big payday?

Should this be a balance of all? If so, how do you strike the right balance?

What do you do when crypto market completely bombs like it has now?

Counterintuitive Crypto Approach... Headlines Will Tell You One Thing, BUT…

All these questions have a very simple answer.

Take it easy. Don’t listen to the critics and the naysayers. You know better than that.

Bitcoin had its all time high in 2021, when it cost just under 70k. Then, it crashed.

Since then, we’ve had ups, and downs, and everything in between.

Now we’re in something the media calls “crypto winter”.

Just like for the past 10 years since Bitcoin has been around.

The price goes up and down, up and down. And back up again.

And guess what.

Crypto will crash. And it will rebound. And it will crash again. And it will rebound again.

You will see headlines about crypto winter and all that stuff, until it’s a bull run again - which is when you’ll see headlines about how the crypto market is overheating. Nothing new. That’s the bad news.

Bitcoin Was Supposed To Be The Antidote

The most challenging “puzzle piece” of crypto currency has got to be the fact that you need a strong stomach for it.

If you bought at the top, it’s not easy to sit right now and see 70% of the value of your portfolio just wiped out. Gone. Just like that.

Bitcoin was supposed to be this antidote for chaos. And now there’s more chaos than ever. The challenge here is… how is what bitcoin doing right now not chaos personified? Interesting question.

My thought process is that while right now we’re in a crypto winter and crypto basically just mirrors what happens in the markets as a whole… when it rebounds, it’s going to be just crazy.

Crypto magnifies the market conditions. So yes, when it’s down it hurts. But when it’s going to go up… you’re going to feel so vindicated if you currently hold it.

But just holding it is boring.

What if you made money meanwhile, too?

With a 24/7 automatic bot that is specifically tailored for the current situation in the market?

Here’s the good news..

I’ve discovered a NEW way to positively earn off of cryptocurrency (that can work even when the market is DOWN).

It’s very counterintuitive to the way most people approach crypto, which is why it works so well.

Instead of “buying and holding” or “buying low and selling high”, we can instead make passive income as crypto goes UP or DOWN..

A strategy by Dan Hollings who has perfected this by leveraging what he calls the “wiggle method” -- a method he’s created after spending 10 million dollars testing, tweaking, and perfecting it.

The latest improvement he’s sharing with his students is the “bottom feeder bot” - which is perfect for market conditions like the ones we have now.

Watch the training here.

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